The Northwest Arkansas Council announced today that it is starting a new social media initiative to amplify good news about the region.
Called the Northwest Arkansas Digital Ambassadors program, participants who sign up are asked to use social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter to spread news that positively impacts Northwest Arkansas.
In return, top Ambassadors earn prizes that will include such things as gift certificates, movie theater passes, or tickets to local, live performances. The first prize for the top social media shares will be $300 toward airfare from the Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport and a restaurant gift certificate.
The Council, a private nonprofit organization focused on improving education, infrastructure, community vitality and economic opportunity in the region, pre-launched the program earlier this week to a select group of individuals with strong social media presence.
The goal is to identify and work with hundreds of ambassadors, ensuring that messages make it to every corner of the earth. Social media savvy individuals who are fans of the region and are passionate about spreading the latest news on why Northwest Arkansas is “Great for Business, Great for Life” can join this elite digital squad by visiting this link to sign up.
“Residents and businesspeople in Northwest Arkansas are proud to call the region home,” said Mike Malone, president and CEO of Northwest Arkansas Council. “The Digital Ambassadors program empowers people to share with their friends, families, colleagues and broad social networks the steady flow of positive news about living and working in Northwest Arkansas, while rewarding them for their enthusiasm and participation.”
Once a person signs up to become a Digital Ambassador, the time commitment to participate will be minimal, but each participant has the potential to make a tremendous impact on how the outside world views Northwest Arkansas, Malone said.
Here’s how the program will work:
· The Digital Ambassadors will periodically receive emails with new, exciting content to share — including status updates and links — that can then be posted on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or all three social media networks with just one click.
· Digital Ambassadors are encouraged to share the content, such as blog posts, events, concerts and more across their social networks, but they can decide which of their social media platforms share each piece of news they receive in their emails.
Digital Ambassadors earn points based on how often they’re active and how they share their messages. Ways to earn points include content shares, driving activity through retweets and comments, and referring friends who sign up in the program.