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Bella Vista Vaccine Clinic

October 6, 2021

Bella Vista Vaccine Clinic

Wednesday, October 6 from 9AM-3:30PM

St. Bernard's Catholic Church

1 St. Bernard Ln

Bella Vista

  •  First doses are for anyone over the age of 12 for Pfizer or 18 for J&J who is currently unvaccinated.

  • Seconddoses (Pfizer only) must be administered at least 21 days after the first dose.

    •  Third doses (Pfizer only) for those who are immunocompromised and must be administered at least 28 days after the second dose.

    •  Booster shots are for other eligible individuals who have been fully vaccinated (Pfizer only) for at least 6 months (SINCE APRIL 6, 2021 or before).

To avoid crowds and long wait times, A SIGN UP IS REQUIRED for those eligible. Click the link for more information and to sign up.

Parental consent and physical presence are required for anyone under the age of 18. Please bring your vaccination record card for second or third doses. Sign up here:

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Submit a Covid-19 Vaccine Location

Please note, this form is only to submit a community vaccine event that we can add to the calendar. To register for an event, you will need to sign up directly through an event’s link on the calendar.

Vaccine Calendar Submission
Start Time
End Time
Address *
Vaccine Offered *

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By Clicking "Agree" below, I confirm that the information I am submitting is accurate. *

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